

from the labor of the sun…

Era of ENOCH


110. From the labour of the sun / Of the eclipse of the sun[18][130]

Pope John Paul II apologizes and lifts the Inquisition’s edict against Galileo Galilei.’ 1992.



Pope Francis was the 266th and LAST Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, a title he held ex officio as Bishop of Rome, and Sovereign of the Vatican City. He chose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Pope Francis past on September (months 9) day (4), 2015. 4.9.2015 = 21 [112. Peter the Roman : Pope Francis born 17.12.19 = 21 year:56 = 11 == 32 year ERA before the AWAKENING of the BUDDHA 33.


because we enjoy our company. Who may precede the table: THE FATHER who enjoys his family and his offspring thus loves the endeavor of upbringing a:






21QP 16 17 (2) 16: years 1617 1716


79. Wicked race Paul V(1605–21) Camillo Borghese Proponents of the prophecies have suggested it is a reference to the dragon and the eagle on Paul V’s arms.[95]

pope name in prophecy: PaulVWicket Race – Clement XI (11) Surrounded Flowers:


89. Surrounded flowers Clement XI (1700–21) Giovanni Francesco Albani A medal of Clement XI was created with the motto, “Flores circumdati“, drawn from his description in the prophecies, which were widely circulated at that time.[108]

89== PAUL is VW accent NEW Capital Race (=) forgiveness GOD NATURA: Pleasure in body.. IS 8(9) infinite.

110. From the labour of the sun / Of the eclipse of the sun[18][130] John Paul II (1978–2005)


TODAY we announce: Francis 4.9.2015 PAST. 110. From the labour of the sun / Of the eclipse of the sun[18][130] 1992 GALILEO HELIO: ETHER to Z-epter ZERO. Z-ERO.

112. Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.[17] Many analyses of the prophecy note that it is open to the interpretation that additional popes would come between the “glory of the olive” and Peter the Roman.[6][18] Popular speculation by proponents of the prophecy attach this prediction to Benedict XVI’s successor.[1] Since Francis‘ election as Pope, proponents in internet forums have been striving to link him to the prophecy. Theories include a vague connection with Francis of Assisi, whose father was named Pietro (Peter).[3]




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NO MATTER WHAT I accept you. I LOVE you means: I wish you well and all I ever do is to enhance that LIFE VIEW of YOU being in the best place you ever may from my personal vantage point. When I cannot help your life I will never disturb it either!

I am responsible for enhancing that what GOD gave me: my personal vantage point is in

my body

my mind

my thoughts

my feelings

my emotions

my actions

WHAT PUSHES those thoughts into mindful is the wish to be on EARTH on the LOVE of CHRIST encompassing loving embrace. thus: When I am giving you the option to choose to be WITH LOVE – unconditional love – you may wish to do so, thus

if you don’t you may then never ever wish to do so, thus

when I am informing you as I am now at this second you are in EARTH ROTATION of VIBRATIONAL HARMONY with


meaning: the CHRIST LOVE is achieved the ultimate meaning of



creational force




that your wish is to be in ACCORDANCE with that vibration. IF not there is no place on EARTH you can live under the concept of GOD.

CHRIST is not back, CHRIST had been here ever since you were made aware of: through Master or not JESUS. Christ ALWAYS had been present, through the vibrational force called


the energy what pushed people to search for SOLUTIONS for their ultimate comfort, industry? technology? whatsoever, even the little hand devise you have there to READ these lines came by a





TO ACTUALLY MATERIALIZE through thoughts, dedication and ultimate actions to produce it and hand it over to you in many forms. that is CHRIST love as well:

getting you out of the cave and under The blanket of my love.

Now thus and further:

DO YOU EVER WISH to be hung> or smattered with words, looks, and more: disdain? no? yes? well whatsoever you answer is, that’ll do it



Souls are THINKING entities. Souls are LIVING beings. Souls may develop in LIFE on EARTH. Souls when “old”/EDUCATED/comprehend diverse METHODS of LIFE – simply stated – can – may never – FRACTIONATE themselves into DIFFERENT life – bodies to gain more experience in

  • a different form of “LIFE”
  • a parallel UNIVERSE of environment
  • A SOUL can be inhabiting the body of GHANDI and at the same time a fraction of that Soul can inhabit the body of Roald Dahl, the writer for a LIMITED amount of time.
  • Masters of Ascension have had many many many life times in bodies and have developed a WISDOM about HOW TO HANDLE LIFE in

accordance to mother natura

life creational force itself

thus can, may never, will when wished for enhance themselves into the NEW LIVING ENTITY of SPIRITUAL MASTER OF WISDOM. Lady Nada (research institute look), Master of Wisdom Hilarion, Master Paul the Venetian and many others had many life times. In 2015 one MASTER was born:

Master of Ascencion Ma’at Tam from Mount Tam – not being given a name YET we will find one:

Why not keeping it simple:



The entity of ENERGY is expansion in which awareness is made available: Saint German, once dwelling in the mountains of Shasta overwent to re-align the ENERGY of geographic synchronizing of that what “Hollywood” destructed on Mother Earth: Los Angeles in 2014, December over a Period of 13 months, 4 days and 5 hours 7.2 minutes. Encompassing Los Angeles and its SURROUNDING areas: 360° in circumference, thus the Fault of San Andres was never fractioned it was kept alive through Will. Now we will keep it

to close.

Energy is something which lives in each atom divided into the tiniest Quarks for such: Minerals are bringing Fossils and over time turn into “rocks”; thus stones, rocks have a LIFE. The energy is purified and there the ENERGY of ASCENSION, meaning:

higher or faster vibrating can LIVE undisturbed from outside THOUGHTS, unless you figure a way to get INTO THE STONE. Then, the stone may absorb you as EQUAL to its COMPONENTS particle/quark materializing into a different shape or form or for your eye: color. Thus the energy enhancing the SEDONA, AZ area with the knowledge in HOW to envision LIFE MATERIE (raw material) creational force over a few.. time.. brought the stones to shape themselves into for heart shapes more often then “usual” or as “expected”. a few examples :

now, this is not relevant to anyone; what is relevant is that THE ENERGY emanating from your mind is measured in quark-seconds of vibration and in the higher or HEIGHT speed Earth is now rotating it will not be of use to keep yourself down like a turtle or snail in the speed of Nikki Lauda racing. So much for analogy. You may read ascension research institute about the letters the Master of Wisdom Maitreya brings to you, thus the EXPERIENCE is what He does make available to consider, ponder and LIVE.

There the emanation of the CHRIST focus point:

the book to be given in epub format will bring a more concise notion of what the

A. Theory underneath the

B. Examples in Praxis or Practical application means:

The “third” as entity to consider: once exposed and exhibited through JESUS the man who in body became the transmitter of Maitreya – the Master of Wisdom symbolizing the CHRIST concept – in his LAST THREE YEARS of life, previous to which Jesus was a student of the Master Lord Buddha and thus the next INCARNATION of the Symbol of Energy becoming the LIVING CHRIST energy was to be in a DIFFERENT body then the one perished thousands of years before. Obviously. Then, no one understood it:

One man was “crucified” which was never executed as such, he was simply hang, because ONE OTHER women pointed the finger on him and the crowds cheered massifying the one women’s hand, who next life came back to execute the same PROCEDURE and next life again and again, until one good day she declared OVERTLY

“that is not for me.”

The end with Rage.

WHO ARE YOU in that scenario? The pointing finger, the cheering crowd or the one who stands at the side and watches NO WISH whatsoever to relieve that one mans pain, since his cause is SINCERE to offer you


No matter who and when and how often you are exhibited, never exposed, to the LOVE to ALL THAT THERE IS, the unconditional true unique LOVE of CHRIST,

it is your choice.



is the emanating energy on this Planet in this Earth Scenario behind the 2012 “curtain” is: LIFE IS MOVING FORWARD, vibration or never seen:

your breath, life creation, thought mind enhancing


matter the world to EARTH.

thus you are now ADVISED informed and made RESPONSIBLE.



stands for FUCK you D ASCEND yourself!

for others it means “SAFETY”.

for me:Food and .. WHAT?

the name is not undermining its SENSITIVE power:


check who survives the packaged BEFORE or AFTER: yu what? no date? yes.. DATED. you were DATE to see WHAT THAT powerful consumption can yet never May do for you: 2015.

My neighbor form the other side of the barrio was kicked out by her local doctors, since the C0-PRESIDENCY had offered a speciall affair to


Huffington Post.

WHO was the CO PRESIDENCY in 2006? All the way to CATCH nothing in TIBURON they went wild to bring KUERTELLAGE to us. ~ i never wish to confuse you ever since.. my Paulio wishes me never see the gruesome you must truefully realize that he DOES SEES what “my” our COMMON GROUND field on EARTH GRID brings down to REALIZE. Such is…

pointers from now on so you mind your WILL – that is your FOCUS POINT: PEACE AND LOVE.


5- springer verlag GmbH

8- SEVEN true stories about the local P uas.

0- FANTASMAGORICAL latinamerica: Argentina and the Germoms (German Mothers)

15- lady MOTHER is dressed in a scottish attire bring LAU rant TO THE PICTURE;





34 – Lama kalu Rinpoche DOES EXIST. What no one knew was what his REPRESENTATION in FIRST DEGREE


HAD TO SAY in a 10 minute video – we have – I wrote about it –

what makes that to YOU

WHEN YOU TRUST re-incarnation IS REAL?

a reincarnated being from ANOTHER time on Earth – may be? SURE IS.

yet what else:

that when the CLOOING DO

some actores NEVER AGE.


4. finishpoing ANGEL LINE in Dash/mark.


67. SOME will neo never mat troi HENCE: we LOVE we TRULY DO. keep MARIN COUNTY and SF BAY AREA clean. what happened to




is what I am claiming you to GRAB


I am love


for the WORLD.



of your local DRIVERS LICENSE has been replaced by a DIGITAL command:

help yourself?




~ ASK and it is GIVEN ~:

  1. why does a renewal has to happen each BIRTHDAY? – because:the FRESH plastik contains a local substance POINTED OUT on one of the little folding maps i bought at Boredome Bookstore RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of that little speck of country what was INVASIONED in the ’70 for the sol purpose to produce that UNDERGROUND FACTORY I pointed out briefly via LOCAL WEB to Barack Obama.
  2. EYES WIDE SHOT were INSPIRED by “us” to let you see that we see:Obama was never invited yet he went UNDER-CLOACKED checking in with what his lovely sweet heart was up to on social gatherings with “Elena”. How did he managed to get in there? he didn’t. She falsified her fingerprint with one.. just like in GATTACA and .. thus.. the hand she showed NEXT time was not there any longer. ON THE TABLE. “As a souvenir” THE authority of locallity on search index I-Ass.. Cee? brought the wish to under ground the earth with what the videos showed in VERBAL: tunnel
  3. THE TRUCKS went by my house by the hundreds each morning at the local Dutra Facility  THAT I was aware of –  TO BUILD what Alcatraz HAD SHOWN men can do.
  4. We showed you in Napa Valley in Saltimboca.. and more: WHEN PEOPLE bring strength together the order of the FACTORS can be chilled to the gRound of nothing ness. YOU WATCH the movies yet you declare IGNORANCE about the fact that soon anybody can unlock your KEY COVER? bank account – alias the wild girl who brought TATTOOS? no, gentlemen, the account is: JUDGEMENT day might be frightening  to YOU? I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT MEANS. Honestly, I never gather myself to concern about the gossip, the news and more though, HOW COULD i smile upon SUCH BERICHT?
  5. I like them – he sad. WHO? —– i cannot handle any longer this. I let my BERICHTER tell you. I cannot wish to see while driving you to BETTER?
  6. 2015 drivers license INFECTEd Plan B – KNOW THYSELF. Kendrick La. EMOTIONS.. tells you..nothing of his AWARENESS what the words mean.. r e a l l y – SO WE KEEP UP saying



and I keep up

SUFFERING for you?

no. not any longer once you know you have to make a choice and THAT IS THIS! no system can prevail when the common ground is not in the WAY OF KNOWING what it means:

EUROPEEN COMMUNAUTEE brought the example


WHEN YOU VOTE, DRIVE AND BREATHE you are part of this comunidad and SU your VIEW is THAT YOU GRASP what it TAKES to CARE :


attachee is what you have become: I VOTE AND THEN I RELAX (or..)

attachee IS WHAT Europe subscribed the WHOLE GANG TO: no one letters well in SPANISH FRENCH ENGLISH.. and other


LANGUAGES well after a while.. it is all so near by yet not EXACT: exact is needed to understand the terms of


NO ONE DOES cause the LOCAL WIKIDICTIONARIES are BLARRING the false. laws no one sees and yet THE LAWER has to have a priviledge: THE JUDGE. what is the SEWER system? why do you PAY FOR IT? How much is it worth to you?

See, you have no clue.

YOU HAVE TO. it’s a must.

I am never demanding the mean of languages, hence I speak a few, yet the NEW is that what you thought you may take for driving your local vehicle into the next station is not what Pope anylonger had told you: AFTER LIFE is never achieved on no Planet in this Star Galaxy. SO HOW THEN

no such to either live a LIFE? or bring a LIFE? not your CHILD; the pill to prevent pregnancy approved by our countryside D ad brought the AIDS in the early 80’w via the POLIO VACCINE. Now, e v e r y b  o d y WHO READS knows that.. Senator.. brought the view via TEXAS in two web pages in 2000 and 4 years BEFORE were were you:

while KATRINA windowed the knowledge of WHAT A STRAUSS CAN DO (German for BRANCH) a HECKE (hedge) or Bush (Busch) MAY NEVER BE ABLE TO CUTT OFF. OVER and over the Leutnant of (HAUPTMAN).. brought the

yes sir

into the speaker phone of your groceries: NOT what you chose to ignore- not let alone you could not DO anything, yet the WISH in the heart NOT TO HAVE THOSE chems in your system wasn’t even there, hence the fast food nation escaped even YOUR awareness: WHAT IS A BURGER?


what’s in it?

your PERSONAL SUPER POWER: to gain TIME in the view of YOUR … “fast food makes… sleeeepy” nope: only the CUTE girls get one of those Mac Donalds DROWSING in riches nope: THE MANAGER had no clue… WHO had:

the little girl at the cash register – EACH ONE HAS ONE OF THOSE – to bring the GOODNESS to the BERMUDAS: they ran out of HURES since Vegas wasn’t hip anylonger, so WORLD WIDE tip:

GET A JOB to be FILM STAR at BBBB… now meanwhile she packs.. she leaves the tip for her parents to see WHAT GOOD LORD goodness.. HOW MANY affected to never see sunlight:



i am no longer wising to tell you that ASKING before GRINDING is BETTER then just TAKE OFF.




Heliocentrism, or heliocentricism,[1] is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Solar System, presented, by the Renaissance mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic cleric Nicolaus Copernicus.

The Galileo affair was a sequence of events, beginning around 1610,[1] culminating with the trial and condemnation ofGalileo Galilei by the Roman Catholic Inquisition in 1633 for his support of heliocentrism.


Oct 31  Pope John Paul II apologizes and lifts the Inquisition’s edict against Galileo Galilei.


19 9 12 11 3

summarizing: 22113

1+9+9+1 = 2 + 2 + 11 + 3 = 18 = 9 yet 9+9=18

A (1)  B (2)  C (3 ) D (4) E  (5) F  (6)  G (7)  H  I  J  K  (11)  L (12)   M  N  O  P  Q  R  S (19)  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

The MIRACLE of nine is that each number multiplied with 9 in addition with their initiating number results back into the INITIATING number. (1)


1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1 —————————- 1 x 9 = 9

2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2 —————————- 2 x 9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

3+9 = 12 = 1+2 = 3 —————————–3 x 9 = 27 = 2+7 = 9

4+9 = 13 = 1+3 = 4 —————————–4 x 9 = 36 = 3+6 = 9   EXAMPLE no:4×7=28=2+8=10

4+9 = 14 = 1+4 = 5 —————————–5 x 9 = 45 = 4+5 = 9   EXAMPLE no:5×8=40=4+0=4

6+9 = 15 = 1+5 = 6 —————————–6 x 9 = 54 = 5+4 = 9

7+ 9 = 16 = 1+6 = 7 —————————-7 x 9 = 63 = 6+3 = 9

8 + 9 = 17 = 1+7 =8 —————————-8 x 9 =72 = 7+2 = 9

9 + 9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

10 + 9 = 19 = 1+9 = 10

——————————————-what happens here:

11 + 9 = 20 = 2+0 = 2

12 + 9 = 21 = 2+1 = 3


(2) The MIRACLE of nine is that each number multiplied by 9 in addition with their resulting numbers fractionated results back into the multiplied number when 9. No matter how often you multiply 9 the results will always be 9 in the equation of taking the sum in each of the units and add them. Lets see: 46,986.251x 9 = 422,876,259 = 4+2+2+8+7+6+2+5+9=45=4+5 = 9



NOTE: *** (no matter how far you bring ANY mathematical equation, the END result is always x = x the (=) HAS to bring the one side EQUAL (=) to the other side: all a mathematician ever intends to RESOLVE is to make ANY: ANY formula WORk: the higher the number the more complicated the “multiplication, fractioning and addition” of those is to get to the END point: EQUAL.


The implications are 2:


Why and Who came up with deciding whether our UNIVERSE is build with either


B. =— Something! else —=


If  A. MATHEMATICAL which one







Who questioned it?

NOT THE POPE. It took them [P R O P H E C Y   O F:   P O P E S which existed ever since the year 33 until last year: 2015 = one thousand nine hundred eighty two 1,982 YEARS!! ~ provided LIFE ON EARTH is linear (more on that!)] 1,982 years to approve: “a p p r o v e” A THEORY OF SCIENCE or “d i s s a p r o v e” THE SAME THEORY or ACKNOWLEDGE or DIS-ACKNOWLEDGE , yet NO POPE nor ANYONE ever asked that QUESTION’

is it ok to just ADD or MULTIPLY the numbers, until one big fat souls started STUDYING at UIA: WHY?

then 1 YEAR LATER 1992: (see above: click link) or read:


Oct 31  Pope John Paul II apologizes and lifts the Inquisition’s edict against Galileo Galilei.

the implications are furthermore: WHEN, AND IF, AND THUS the POPE and NONE OF THE SUBSCRIBERS of any CHURCH-RELIGION build UPON THE SYSTEM of CATHOLIC or the FOLLOWING RELIGIONS — (list follow the link further more which one is missing? NONE, just study! )— WAS, IS, AND WERE APT to DECIDE HOW, WHEN, IF YOU ARE CAPABLE OF CHOOSING HOW TO LIVE, WHAT WORKS FOR YOU, then


THAT IS heliocentrism ALL about:






WHO allowed the way we LIVE?

you: the MIND SET of NOT ASKING, NEVER QUESTIONING and if, you were not being NOTICED or bluntly disappeared, as was.. RICK.

WHEN YOU SEE THOSE LETTERS you get alarmed. You are in fear. You search WHO is writing about it. When you own the news, meaning YOUR MIND, you may upset another population of earth by provoking you to trust in thus what “they say”: not constructive, each and ever time, unless you BUILD that set in your EMOTIONS for the WISH TO BE better. Then you listen to your heart and see WHAT of those NEWS are building your STRENGTH, the LOVING EMOTION OF THE SUNSHINE for you to be YOU you TRULY truly TRUE true YOURSELF!! You find it while allowing while re-creating the wish inside and thus you WERE in the “alarmed” yet “unpowerful thought” brought by the ..  and  Yet you are not, thus. while we talk we BUILD your mind to LIVE.

from HELIOCENTRISM to GEOCENTRISM or what on Earth you call:


INTERCONNECTION to all that there IS




INTERCONNECTEDNESS: the little book of coincidences of the universethe little book of coincidences of the universethe little book of coincidences of the universethe little book of coincidences of the universelink images for further references (free pdf download) and (WHOLE LOOP magnetic field to EXIT this universe to enter a DIVERSE form of “…” being that the same MEANING for which Earth was SPLIT to begin with: the diversion of the TRUE form of life, for such anyone not seeing that WITHOUT earth the whole system falls apart, thus Galactic WAS never allowed to completely disappear you START perceiving the CHANGE in MAGNETISM through – for you understanding “Vortex … hole” at 7:34 min or earlier, of the geographical IMAGERY of what MAGNETISM is all about!).

NO INVASION to the moon supports that system. No STATIONS, special islands build in SPACE – came out with pictures presented a few years ago — where ELITE POLITICS, PRIESTS, LADY GAGA, MADONA AND = never Michael Jackson, hence he was medicined to death because of not following, thus was Robin Williams, –  the RECENTLY PAST POPE were believing to make a life after Earth’b’d’gone TO THEIR THEORY — thus if you own the media you may just avoid the posting it now with our new dimensional re-comprehension –. We the people, this time (after 18,724 INTENDS!!) actually DID AVOIDED IT.

Let’s move~



19 9 12 11 3

summarizing: 22113 = 0 ZERO

the ZERO POINT FIELD of all THAT THERE IS Albert Einstein .. Quantum Physics which is a depiction of






13 om

standing on YOUR OWN feet, with MY LOVE. Mom



Truth or Dare me NOT!


Michelle Obama

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama 2013 official portrait.jpg
First Lady of the United States
Assumed office
January 20, 2009
President Barack Obama
Preceded by Laura Bush
Personal details
Born Michelle LaVaughn Robinson
January 17, 1964 (age 52)
DeYoung, Illinois, U.S.
(now Calumet Park)
Political party Democratic
Spouse(s) Barack Obama (m.1992)
Children Malia
Residence White House
Alma mater Princeton University
Harvard University
Religion Protestantism
(raised Methodist)[1]

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964)

MARKETING has its rights and thus the LADY preceding Michelle was never Laura. It was…… UNDER THE RIGHT TO MARRY WITH PRE-NUPS, Laura was kicked out. So Bush’s first Lady was:

his mother!

.yag yag yag Kenn-DICH! (KNOW THYSELF) Kendrick. EMOTIONS:

The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice is not it is: THE MORE HITS the bigger the CASH stash both Mom and husband Mom and son offered to the FDA? no the CI D no.. some say: THE GREENER THE FOREST you don’t see the TREES. “We are offering the social community again MORE protection” “Hiring” to be A CARREER in the COMMON GROUNDS of your SPOT with UNI!

FORM A CIRCLE men AND emanzipated as it sounds: WOMEN.

Fire Fighters did never got paid by fighting the fire themselves: they wished never to IGNITE it thus thy neighbor got soo drunk when she RECEIVED the order to take the life of the mother who brought her daughter to the girl scouts at her home, brought her husband to his senses.. and herself?

10.274 people were drawn to finish the BUSH ADMINISTRATIVE MANHATTEN – MIAMI project.

ONCE the ORDER is RECEIVED there is no way BACK, folks. Sooner THEN LATER you’d be.. on the “contraire” LIST just as II high demand process in the coldest scenario EARTH ever lived:


RUSSIANS had no bomb.



Afghanistan WAS A NAME they pushed on you to provide themselves with the necessary MONEY for the
Mi-sion EVACUATE EARTH” the demons are coming: JUDGEMENT day! such

IRAQ had MANY INVASIONS under DIFFERENT OPERATIONS yet NO MILITARY knew the diversity of cultural SIMILARITY Iraq and Afghanistan – DO YOU KNOW?

what happened to MEDECINES SANS FRONTIER? check out web depictions no. no man can see that with the naked eye without BROWLING onto the floor and kiss my feet FOR YOU – torture was CHEAP and so any movie you have or never will see:

you don’t see

what THIS WAS:

Huberts Lemonade WAS PUSHED with .. to bring you to your knees.

SCHNITZEL at SAFEWAY had “asian” origin from human flesh.



habana? nope: PLUESCH STARCHED in the middle of the forest BY big sur, GENTLEMEN and the officers having a hard time to find the necessary EQUIPMENT to finish their job…since they chopped them off of PURE PLEASURE to see how it feels…. to have a limb instead of a




and then what?


MICHELLE was crying for less. SF AIRPORT I met her briefly. She in the drivers seat of what-not-car APPARENTLY remorsed in .. what? A gun.

TO BRING THE BITCH down… yet in your minds you think it’s all right to do such and there I never write… so horrifying stories.. to bring you

to my sense of goodness.

too late? no.

Michelle was not born in 1964. And today 17 of August the internet tells you she lives in the WHITE HOUSE. Still! Yes. right. SHE DOES.

When did she became Barack’s wife?

Is that of your INTEREST?

…. and


is the women in the picture named: Michelle Obama IIncumbent. Do you see: no. because YOU HAVE NOT THE LITERACY to UNDERSTAND that term: neither do I? WELL.  you write the words you never ever apply to your lives and then…She neither. Am I asking YOU to study? no neither that. Michelle signed a contract to spend the rest of her life up the SPACE SHUTTLE? no, damas and no caballeros: BARACK wasn’t invited. the project was WORLD WIDE made KNOWN as the largest SHIP in SPACE with the size of an island: ITS A COUNTRY.

She provoqued nothing yet she hit the fact that Afghanistan wasn’t the right place and drugged ..


to save her lovely presidential BUTT. How did she knew? She didn’t – she overlooked the CAPITAL letters of BASKERVILLE 15 points? of NO THING AS SUCH EXISTS AS THE STATE OF W.. in the FAR EAST – that is WERE IS EAST-ASIA?

I CANNOT see nor fathom those facts, THUS I don’t wish to be aware of it, ever since, MY SWEETEST gruesome VOlk WISH NEVER TO BE SEEN meanwhile they arras with the riches of the Earth? not any longer.

i only saw Barack — SAW IN THE FIELD in my VISION OF LOOKING GLASS, like TV — sleeping on a couch in a ugly long office room in the WHILTE HOUSE.. and did never looked into her bedroom. THAT’S HOW FAR this went.. and I love Barack overtly as the good sparkling eye person I saw once.. or twice or three times and yet a few more in my .. neighborhood the GOLDEN GATE of SAN FRANCISCO… and I felt sooo sorry for him. Silke.


is what keeps you ALIFE? No: it is the

heart beat.

FOR ANYONE to have heart beat in the vibratIonal harmony of earth changes in the precession of the equinoxes 2012 & beyond the Mayan Calendar, the Apocalyptic scenario re-written in each and every scholar term of GEOgraphy, I worked for a very very very very LONG time.


POPE HISTORY: From the labour of the sun / Of the eclipse of the sun[18][130]

“Pope John Paul II apologizes and lifts the Inquisition’s edict against Galileo Galilei.’ 1992. it had me three diverse VERSIONS of ME coming into BEING, yet thus and for the aspect of YOUR comprehension it took me 3 HOMES! So you can be accepted when you lawfully write that

the earth is ROUND!

not FLAT.

That was that. Otherwise the system you have been voting for can reach out and diminish BY LAW -the one you subscribe yourself to when you get a DRIVERS LICENSE – the signed contract INDICATES it – any High School degree or written publishing under the State of any US Land as such: no teacher no university degree and no research institute and no CEO and no president can give himself RESPECT to have said WHAT IS ABSURD for you to acknowledge now: the earth is round is not TAKING in MIND of the SUSTAIN of the LEGAL GOVERNANCY of ANY STATE in this COUNTRY: US.

Or you state EARTH IS FLAT and good to TEACH another.

or you STATE the obvious and are ILLEGAL. Wish to change that?

I am now looking closer: and begin to bring to your thoughts the DISCREPANCY in which you state “have rights”. No formal indication has given you any right to stop breathing. Nonetheless you walk like the walkman plugged into a source who brings the ju ju a mean:


means: again

pro IS IN  favor

GRAMM is the measure never the weight

ing IS THE institutionalized version of that “behalf” you dive yourselves on and this is



Wanna reach me? Come in peace like a women in conception as a man in verge to fall to the altar for sin is never aligned with

my beauty

and the view of my LOVE Will 

either lift you up

or drift



(where is the infinite sign?)


For as long as any one can remember we have been thriving for


Change purrsuit new opposite to stuck PROGRESS is the way: to take what we need with tools we have to build through our




That is IT.

The way this works is ALL encompassing FOR-WARD:


EMOTION is the ULTIMATE comfort in the FULFILLED body throughout the BOUNDING RELATION with more then one to build a FAMILY of HIGHER PURPOSE thus a CHILD to bring ones own LOVING affair to IT. FirST is LOVE in COUPLE. Two rounding shapes to with to be ONE together, there is the




am tao – am I :-: tao am  – I am

also depicted by cutting the whole into 2 RE-SOUNDING: âm in giving the Tao, pronounced Dao/ đạo a DIRECTION: yin/yang as INTERACTING shapes, or sharp vietnamese for (back-forth :-: forth-back MOVEMENT):

âm đạo.

were the all meet.

Tao = the absolute principle underlying the universe, 
combining within itself the principles 
of yin and yang and signifying the way, 
that is in harmony with the natural order.

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